11 Essential LGBT Bars in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Exterior of the 绿洲 Nightclub
绿洲是一个同性恋夜总会,以前是澡堂,有歌舞表演和变装表演,还有dj & dance parties. Credit: Photo via 绿洲 website

11 Essential LGBT Bars in San Francisco


从年轻, hip lesbian bars to old gay theater hangouts to kinky leather bars, the City by the Bay has 同性恋群体 bars for every persuasion. 如果你只在贝博体彩app待一晚或一个周末,这里有11家同性恋群体酒吧不容错过. 因为这座城市只有49平方英里,你可以在一个晚上看到所有的风景——一个漫长而有趣的夜晚.



1723 Polk St.
(415) 776-4162

Polk Street is San Francisco’s original gay district. 这个国家的第一次同性恋骄傲游行,跳舞,在这条街上大摇大摆. Little of the LGBT nightlife remains, save 在有把握的事情. 自从20世纪70年代的同性恋骗子时代以来,这家皮革酒吧一直是贝博体彩app的标配, and it still remains one of the city’s quintessential gay bars. Walk through the swinging saloon doors, grab a stiff drink, 花点时间仔细看看他们墙上的历史照片和一幅臭名昭著的画. You’ll know it when you see it.

Mission District


3158 Mission St.
(415) 282-3325

贝博体彩app的女同性恋们可没有多少属于自己的酒吧. Luckily they don’t need many; they have El里约热内卢. El里约热内卢是市内和外地女同性恋者常去的酒吧,也是贝博体彩app女同性恋活动的中心. Always free and usually packed, 这个教会区的酒吧是每个月第一个周六女士聚会的必去之地, the monthly soul dance party, 发生. Ask any of the locals for recommendations on the lesbian after-party, 或者只是随大流——每个人都在埃尔里奥开始他们的夜晚.



3600 16th St.
(415) 431-0306

如果不去瞭望台,那么去贝博体彩app的LGBT酒吧就不完整. 大多数夜晚, this upstairs 卡斯特罗 District spot is filled to the brim with sexy partygoers; but it’s on sunny days that 注意 becomes the real go-to spot in the city. 大, 户外甲板是完美的啜饮血腥玛丽,同时采取所有的“景点”值得一看.



1437 Haight St.
(415) 864-4213

Dive-y and relaxed, Trax是社区的主要景点,被认为是卡斯特罗以北或以西仅有的同性恋聚集地之一. Trax是酷儿历史的遗迹,也是海特区在卡斯特罗之前作为同性恋群体飞地地位的唯一遗迹. Go here to enjoy their barrel-aged Manhattans, chat with friends on their comfy couch, or play a round of pool.


Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

(415) 441-2922

Definitely not for the faint of heart, this long-standing 里脊肉 hole-in-the-wall specializes in strong, cheap drinks and legendary drag shows. 每周四参加由DJ巴士站约翰举办的迪斯科舞会,但不要被发现在看手机. If it’s Friday or Saturday, 一定要带足够的钞票去看辣妹组合的表演. 这个小地方很快就坐满了,所以如果你想在里面有个位置,建议你提前预约.



440年卡斯特罗 St.

Formerly called "Daddy's Draws,440是卡斯特罗街的一家标志性酒吧,吸引了大批皮革老爹. 每周一去440参加他们著名的“内衣之夜”,和光着膀子的Go - Go男孩一起狂欢. 440也在中午营业,是一个享受日间鸡尾酒和观赏人群的好地方.



2247 Market St.

这家喧闹的同性恋运动酒吧以其美妙的氛围和美味的食物而闻名. Try their fried chicken sandwiches, "trash salad", or corn dogs while watching football on one of their flat-screen TVs. 嗨顶 has themed nights for everyone, 包括各种各样的琐事之夜和“体育课”(本质上是go-go舞会). Their drinks are pretty fun as well. Try their "haterade," which comes in its own themed glass. 

Mission District

Wild Side West

424 Cortland Ave.
(415) 647-3099

自1962年以来,这家简朴的酒吧一直是贝博体彩app湾区的女同性恋酒吧. 它最初在奥克兰开业,1976年迁至贝博体彩app. During this move-in, 邻居们在酒吧门前留下了破损的马桶和垃圾等物品以示抗议. 前业主把这些垃圾拿来创作艺术品,后来装饰了他们的标志性建筑, whimsical downstairs garden, a great place to enjoy a glass of wine or a cold beer. 狂野西部深受邻居们的喜爱,周三晚上有精彩的喜剧和问答节目.  



(415) 795-3180

Located in a former bathhouse, 绿洲是一个同性恋群体+夜总会和活动空间,提供大量的派对. Opened on New Year's Day 2015 by two local drag legends, 8,000平方英尺的仓库以其令人难以置信的变装派对和古怪的喜剧表演而闻名. Come to 绿洲 for cabaret, performances from local and visiting drag stars, as well as DJs and other musical acts. There’s something for everyone at 绿洲.



1347 Folsom St.
(415) 552-8689

强国 is undoubtedly not for the prudish. 这家著名的SoMa游轮酒吧吸引了更多古怪的人群,并以其垃圾内衣之夜而闻名, drag queen shows, and leather events. 预计顽皮的行为,并确保停下来检查户外公园,猪圈.

Mission District


3079 16th St.
(415) 815-7387

这家自称“酷儿女性和以女性为中心的酒吧”于2023年2月在Mission开业, helping fulfill San Francisco's great need for more lesbian bars. 妈妈。 is San Francisco's first "new" gay bar in a while, replacing Esta Noche, a former gay bar opened in the late 70s. The new space, dark and cozy with queer media projected onto its purple walls, is low-key but also incredibly welcoming and fun.

玛迪普拉特's headshot

玛迪普拉特 is the Sr. Associate of Design & Content at San Francisco Travel. She grew up in nearby Marin County, just a bridge away from the City. 在2020年搬到贝博体彩app后,她知道她找到了自己的大本营. 麦迪喜欢在金门公园散步,吃点心,在贝克海滩看日落.